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SSCE Christian Religious Studies Adapted Exam Solutions:DISCLAIMER: We disclaim all libility arising from reliance on this article; contact 08067922530 for detailed informartion


Question 1: The Bible and its Messages

Explain the central message of the Bible and the importance of both the Old and New Testaments to Christians.


  • The central message of the Bible is God's plan of salvation for humanity, revealed through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • The Bible is divided into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament.
  • The Old Testament contains the history and laws of Israel, as well as prophecies pointing towards the coming of the Messiah.
  • The New Testament focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the establishment of the Church, and the spread of the Gospel.
  • Both Testaments are important because the Old Testament prepares for the coming of Christ, while the New Testament reveals the fulfillment of God's promise through Jesus Christ.

Question 2: The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ

Discuss the key aspects of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as recorded in the Gospels.


  • Jesus Christ was born to Mary in Bethlehem and was conceived by the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:26-38).
  • His ministry involved preaching about the Kingdom of God, healing the sick, performing miracles, and teaching through parables.
  • Some of His key teachings include love for God and neighbor (Matthew 22:37-39), forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-22), and salvation through faith in Him (John 14:6).
  • Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection are central to the Christian faith, signifying the victory over sin and death (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
  • Jesus' ascension to heaven and the promise of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:9-11) signify the continuation of His work through His followers, the Church.

Question 3: Christian Doctrines

Explain the significance of the teachings of salvation in Christian doctrine.


  • Salvation is the central theme of Christian doctrine. It refers to the deliverance of humanity from sin and its consequences, achieved through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • The key aspect of salvation is that it is by grace through faith, not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9). This means that Christians believe salvation is a gift from God, not something that can be earned.
  • Jesus Christ, through His sacrificial death on the cross, paid the penalty for sin, and His resurrection assures believers of eternal life (John 3:16, Romans 10:9).
  • Christian salvation also involves the concept of repentance—turning away from sin—and the need for Christians to live righteous lives, reflecting their new identity in Christ (Romans 12:1-2).
  • Salvation, according to Christian teaching, is not just for the future but also for the present, as it includes being reconciled with God and receiving the Holy Spirit to guide and empower believers for righteous living (Romans 8:9-11).

Question 4: Christian Ethics and Moral Teachings

Discuss the importance of Christian ethics in everyday life and provide examples of Christian moral teachings.


  • Christian ethics refers to the moral principles based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible. It guides Christians in how to live a righteous and godly life.
  • Important Christian moral teachings include:
    • Love for others (Matthew 22:39, John 13:34)
    • Forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-22, Luke 6:37)
    • Honesty and integrity (Ephesians 4:25, Colossians 3:9)
    • Respect for authority (Romans 13:1-7)
    • Charity and helping the poor (Matthew 25:35-40, James 2:15-16)
  • Christian ethics teaches that morality is not just about following rules but about living in a relationship with God and showing love to others.
  • For example, Christians are called to love their neighbors as themselves, to forgive others as God has forgiven them, and to live in peace with everyone (Romans 12:18).

Question 5: Christianity and Society

Explain how Christianity contributes to the development of society, particularly in the areas of education, healthcare, and social justice.


  • Christianity has played a significant role in the development of society, especially in the promotion of human dignity, justice, and compassion.
  • In education, Christians established schools and universities throughout history, promoting literacy, knowledge, and the moral development of individuals (e.g., the establishment of Harvard and Oxford Universities).
  • In healthcare, many of the world's first hospitals were founded by Christians, reflecting the Biblical teaching to care for the sick (Matthew 25:36) and showing compassion (Luke 10:30-37, the Good Samaritan parable).
  • Christianity has been a driving force in advocating for social justice, such as the abolition of slavery, the promotion of women's rights, and fighting for the rights of the oppressed (e.g., Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement in the U.S.).
  • Christian principles of love, justice, and charity continue to inspire Christians to engage in social activism and community service today.

Marking Scheme:

  • Question 1: The Bible and its Messages - 20 marks
  • Question 2: The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ - 20 marks
  • Question 3: Christian Doctrines - 20 marks
  • Question 4: Christian Ethics and Moral Teachings - 20 marks
  • Question 5: Christianity and Society - 20 marks

Total: 100 marks

Timing: 120 minutes